Change Faster

Are the VUCA markets changing faster than your people are?

AGS provides best in class, scalable solutions to help your people grow faster.

Is your company struggling with...

Gaps between
M/V/V, strategy &

Employee attrition
recruiting talent?


Don't Get Stuck

You’ve already fixed all the easy problems. Most of what’s left are things your business or people have struggled to change. What if you never close the gap between your stated goals and your actions?

Break Through

AGS has the experience and tools to help you to achieve your business strategy. We’ll help you and your team to innovate, challenge assumptions, and think and act differently.

We understand what it’s like to be working at capacity and still want to do more.

That’s why we only deliver solutions that have been proven to be fast, scalable and effective.

How It Works

1. Connect

We set up a scoping conversation to understand your needs and context. 

2. Co-Create

We work with you to explore and co-develop solutions using best in class tools and processes.

3. Deliver

We bring together the right team to deliver solutions to help you get to the next level.

Our Clients

The following is representative of the industries and sizes of clients we serve:

Healthcare & Pharma



Food & Beverage

Professional Services




Consumer Goods

What our clients say

“The Developmental Sprint from AGS has been transformational in the lives of many leaders across various levels in our organization including myself.
I would recommend this program to any team at any level of an organization.”
Bruce Boulanger
President, Permobil Asia Pacific
"In the last 3 years our business has been in a successful transformation. Thanks to Mike and the AGS Team. Their use of leadership team coaching, 1-on-1 coaching and monthly group training has been a key success factor."
Yangnan Liu
President, Messer Cutting Systems APAC
"AGS is a management systems expert. Their coaching enables me to convert ideas into clear strategic goals. Our new management systems drive execution and accountability to accomplish these goals."
Jon Brantingham
Group Managing Director, BMF

Our Team

Our boutique firm has been partnering with companies like yours to scale growth across Asia since 2015. With teams in Beijing, Shanghai and Taipei, we can deliver programs in English and Chinese. We are committed to helping you get to the next level, the same thing we pursue in ourselves. We have more than 150 years of collective leadership, consulting and coaching experience.

Mike Burns

Founding Partner
Former GE

Ray Chow

Former EY

Sabine Xie

Executive Coach
Former Commerzbank

Hua Rong

Former Honeywell

Stephen Weathers

Executive Coach
China KOL

Sherry Zhang

Former Medtronic

Robert Lim

OD Consultant
Former Dow/Dupont

Cathy Yu

Former GM

JD Whitney

Executive Coach
Cultural Consultant

Beth Eckstein

Executive Coach
Thought Leader

Chris Zhang


Sam Widjaja

Supply Relations/Quality Leader

Alex Steinberg

Digital Transformation
Life Science and Health Care

You’ve fixed the easy stuff. Now you’re left with problems that require more than added training, they require a change in mindset. AGS provides fast and scalable solutions that change mindsets, unleashing the full potential of your people to enable your business strategies.

At Asia Growth Solutions we know that you want to grow your organization’s ability to deal with a VUCA world. To do that you need to help your people continually change and grow. The problem is you are working at capacity and the problems that remain seem impossible  to change.

We believe that people can change. Learning and development can be fast, measurable and scalable, achieving a good return on investment.

We understand what it’s like to work and lead in these circumstances. We get it. We have helped hundreds of companies and individuals get to the next level. From Fortune 500 companies and CEOs to startups and mid-level leaders, we have helped our customers break through revenue targets, cultural barriers, lack of innovation and dozens of other obstacles.